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Image by Alexander  Watts
Image by Jacalyn Beales
Image by Jacalyn Beales

Like a River Glorious

Image by Marius Masalar
Like a River Glorious / Complete Set

Like a River Glorious / Complete Set



Like a River Glorious / Piano

Like a River Glorious / Piano



Like a River Glorious / Treble Clef C Instrument

Like a River Glorious / Treble Clef C Instrument



Like a River Glorious / Treble Clef B-Flat Instrument

Like a River Glorious / Treble Clef B-Flat Instrument



Like a River Glorious / French Horn

Like a River Glorious / French Horn



Like a River Glorious / Bass Clef Instrument

Like a River Glorious / Bass Clef Instrument



This arrangement begins with several bars of a 5-note motif in the piano that reappears during the transitions, key change, and final ending. The harmonies toggle between familiar (or traditional), and added-tone chords and substitute harmonies. The keys are lowered from the typical standard “F” in a traditional hymnal, to D, modulating to E-flat, so that all voices can easily adapt to the melody. Instrumental parts are laid on top of the piano as a coverlet, and heighten the glories of the final stanza by flipping the alto and soprano line, giving the melody to the lower instruments, and an obbligato to the upper instruments. The final moments of the piece finish with a ritard beginning at the last measure so that the voices don’t tire too early. The pianist should keep in mind obvious rubato and contour phrasing throughout in order to infuse beautiful musicianship for all involved.

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